Commercial Roofing Jacksonville: What to Know When Choosing a Contractor

When searching for a commercial roofing contractor in Jacksonville, you’ll quickly realize that not all roofing contractors are the same. In order to ensure you’re working with professionals, it’s crucial to keep some key factors in mind.

Qualities of a Top-Notch Commercial Roofing Contractor

If this is your first time looking for a company who does commercial roofing in Jacksonville, you may be wondering how to narrow down your search. Use these tips as a guide for selecting a contractor who will safely and reliably install a new roof that will provide peace of mind for years to come:

  1. Only seek out contractors who are licensed and certified. Any contractor you consider should be able to provide evidence of up-to-date paperwork and licensing, including proof of insurance, worker’s compensation, and liability coverage. Be sure to get a copy of these documents, and don’t hesitate to get in touch with the insurance carrier directly to confirm that all of the documents you’ve been shown are completely legitimate.
  2. Find a local contractor who has experience with roofs of all types. Some commercial roofing services specialize in one specific type of roof, while others are capable of installing and maintaining a range of roof types. Avoid having to hire more than one company to get the job done by researching the contractor’s experience with your roof type and the specific project you need them to complete. They should be able to show you a portfolio containing several projects of a similar nature to yours.
  3. Choose a contractor who can provide plenty of referrals. You’ll have much more confidence when making your decision if you can speak to other business owners who have worked with the roofing contractor and are satisfied with their results. As it’s important that their specific experience is relevant to yours, ask the contractor for referrals from those who’ve had work completed recently and who have a similar building style and budget. Take this opportunity to ask about the professionalism of the staff, including any communication issues they may have had to navigate.
  4. Select a contractor with a great reputation on multiple platforms. Contacting references is a great start to finding a contractor who’s going to do a solid job on your roof. However, you’ll want to dig deeper than that to ensure you’re getting the full picture of their work history. Take the time to look online to be sure there haven’t been any significant complaints about the company. You can also reach out to organizations such as the Better Business Bureau for additional information about the contractor’s current standing.
  5. Only proceed with a contractor if they have the patience to thoroughly answer your questions. You deserve to have all of your questions and concerns addressed before you sign a contract for services. If you feel rushed by the contractor or have lingering questions they have difficulty answering, it’s best to move on with your search until you find a commercial roofing company that gives you complete confidence.

For trustworthy commercial roofing in Jacksonville, look to AMW Contracting. Give us a call today at 904-725-4197 to learn more about what makes us one of the leading commercial roofing and facilities management companies in the local area.

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