Planning for 2021: Facilities Management Needs in Jacksonville

As 2020 comes to an end, it’s important for facility managers in Jacksonville to take a step back and consider their facilities management needs. Depending on the type of facility you manage, it’s possible the past year brought unusual, last-minute changes to daily operations. Whether you were required to undergo a temporary, last-minute shutdown, had to put new hygiene or distancing measures in place, or regular maintenance services were postponed, it’s possible you may need to update your plans for 2021 to reflect these changes.

At AMW Contracting, we offer comprehensive facilities management services in Jacksonville as well as emergency repairs. We know changes in daily operations can have a major impact on your building if they are not taken into account as part of your long-term plan. We can help meet your needs for 2021 and give you the resources you require to accurately plan ahead. That way, your building can remain in top condition no matter what the future holds.

Updating Your Facilities Management Plan

A facilities management plan is a site-specific outline of procedures and onsite factors at a commercial property. This plan is utilized to minimize risks and properly manage real estate assets so they retain as much value as possible.

Now is an excellent time to take a look at the plan for your building and make any necessary adjustments before you become distracted by the deadlines and pressing priorities of the New Year.

Here are some of the different components your plan should cover:

  • Mechanical systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Plumbing systems
  • Roofing systems
  • HVAC systems

Our team can help ensure your plan thoroughly evaluates the different elements of the above systems. In addition to regular maintenance and inspections, we do full repairs and renovations for these and other systems. Our teams leverage their experience to assess the compatibility of the various systems within your building and make suggestions to improve efficiency and longevity.

Determining Your Facilities Management Goals

We understand the end of the year can be an especially busy time for many different industries. If you know you need to start preparing your building for 2021 but are unsure where to begin, you can turn to our professional team for support.

We’ll help you plan ahead by documenting the current state of your onsite building systems, so you can proactively ensure their functionality throughout the upcoming year. In addition to preventing unnecessary financial losses, this step will also save you time and energy in the future.

Our team will work with you to begin outlining your facilities management goals and act on them if possible. These could include:

  • Creating a prioritized repair schedule
  • Defining routine maintenance procedures
  • Preparing for the possibility of a temporary building shut down
  • Determining the most efficient settings for HVAC systems and chillers
  • Calculating the remaining useful life of crucial systems
  • Ensuring system compatibility with building design
  • Promoting compliance with contiguous systems

What to Expect From Our Facilities Management Team in Jacksonville

When you partner with us to help create and implement a management plan for your building, you’ll have a team of skilled professionals by your side to meet all your needs for the upcoming year. We work directly with clients every step of the way to prevent miscommunications and facilitate a comprehensive understanding of and full confidence in the work we’re doing. We also document our progress to keep property owners in the loop and provide them with useful reports for their records or warranty fulfillment needs.

Here are some of the many facilities management services available through AMW Contracting:

Are you ready to learn more about how we can help you prepare your facility for the year ahead? Reach out to AMW Contracting today at 904-725-4197 for all your facilities management needs in Jacksonville.

Categories: Building Services